The Game Change Project

El’s journey with TGCP…

Exceptional Young People

Eleanor Jones
16 years old
Been attending for 1 year
Overcame social anxiety
Ambitions to work in the catering industry or with animals.

When El first came to TGCP, she was really suffering from social anxiety and a lack of motivation to do even the most basic tasks.

When her Mum suggested Game Change, it took about two months to convince her, but she now says, she is glad she did!When we asked El what had helped her most, she said that she preferred the approach of socialising whilst doing a task, rather than just face to face counselling.

Qualifications: First Aid, Food Hygiene

The Game Change Project has really helped my selfimage, built my confidence and was an active help for finding my voice

El’s journey with TGCP… / Taith Ell gyda TGCP…

El’s journey with TGCP… / Taith Ell gyda TGCP…

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The Game Change Project
The Game Change Project