The Game Change Project

Celi’s journey with TGCP….

Exceptional Young People

April 20th 2023

Celi was referred to the project by Brynllywarch Hall School in March 2021. Celi struggled with academic work which made him feel unhappy and frustrated in class.

Being in a practical environment at The Game Change Project allowed Celi to excel and believe in his abilities. He loves working with machinery and tractors. During his time at TGCP, Celi has developed outstanding leadership and people skills. As a peer mentor, he makes new attendees feel welcome and helps explain practical tasks.

Celi has been offered an apprenticeship with a local civil engineering company who saw his potential during a visit to TGCP.

When we asked Celi what had helped him most, he said that learning about things he was interested in had helped his confidence and improved his social skills.

Celi has helped as a volunteer in several events including veteran’s activities and a local tractor run. He is looking forward to passing his tractor driving test this year!

Qualifications: Asdan Employability Skills, First Aid at Work

Volunteer Hours: 500+

The Game Change Project has helped me grow in confidence. It has given me essential skills for my future

Celi’s journey with TGCP…. / Taith Celi gyda Prosiect Newid y Gem….

Celi’s journey with TGCP…. / Taith Celi gyda Prosiect Newid y Gem….

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The Game Change Project
The Game Change Project