The Game Change Project

Ryan’s journey with TGCP

Exceptional Young People

Ryan Hardman:
19 years old
Been attending for 3 years
Overcame anxiety
Now volunteers as a peer mentor
Ambitions to work with animals in an educational setting

Ryan was referred to the project by Brynllywarch Hall School in September 2020.He had been suffering with anxiety and had not attended school for 2 years prior to this. Ryan says that he was so nervous about attending his first session that he felt physically ill. However, with support from his school and the team at TGCP, Ryan’s confidence started to grow.

When we asked Ryan what had helped him overcome his anxiety, he said that initially working with the horses had helped him believe in his own abilities. Being in a supportive environment with other young people had helped him feel part of a team.

Another key factor was that coming to the project had given him a reason to get up and leave the house which brought structure back into his life. Ryan loves being outdoors in the countryside and is considering a career in agriculture or possibly working in an educational setting. As a peer mentor for the project, Ryan has developed many skills such as communication, team work and leadership whilst supporting many other young people to gain confidence.

Qualifications achieved : Bronze Youth Award. First Aid at Work. Basic Safeguarding and GDPR
Volunteer hours: 1000+

The Game Change Project has, without a doubt changed my life and improved my skills so that I can go to college - something I would not have thought possible before

Ryan’s journey with TGCP / Taith Ryan gyda TGCP

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The Game Change Project
The Game Change Project