The Game Change Project

Frequently Asked Questions

How do we Refer?

Phone, email, message or complete the Registration Form.

Do we need to be referred?

No, you can contact us directly.

How much does it cost?

Young peoples courses are free of charge. Team building/corporate workshops start at £60 per person.

Do you provide transport?

We can help with transport for those who would be unable to access the service without it. Please enquire if transport is a barrier to you attending.

Do young people get a qualification?

Young people complete the Asdan certificate. We are looking into further qualifications.

Do participants need any previous experience?


What area do you cover?

Powys and North Shropshire.

How many young people in a group?


What days / times do the courses run?

Tuesdays Advanced Equine and Advanced Landbased  Wednesdays Basic Mechanics and  Basic Animal Care. Thursdays Advanced Mechanics and Basic Landbased Skills 9.30am - 2.30pm school term times.

Do we need any special equipment or clothing?

Outdoor clothing and sturdy footwear. All safety gear provided.

Do we need to bring our own lunch?

Yes, bring a packed lunch. Drinks and snacks provided.

The Game Change Project
The Game Change Project