The Game Change Project

Team Work and Bonding

Participating in team activities can help people develop essential communication and collaboration skills while preparing them for many situations in life.


Teamwork teaches essential communication and social skills, such as active listening and effective speaking. Participation in team activities teaches us how to be better communicators, which in turn helps every member of the team feel valued and respected. As a result, even the most introverted and quietest members of the team can become active participants and learn to enjoy team activities.

Being a part of a team that genuinely cares about its members helps create a strong support system. The benefits of teamwork almost always translate into success in many areas of life. There are very few career paths that operate in isolation. As an employee in almost any industry, people are required to work closely with others. Most employers prefer to hire people who have demonstrated their ability to work as a part of a team.

How does it work?

Successful team work begins with great communication skills. As soon as people arrive we encourage clear, respectful communication and good listening skills. This runs through everything we do. From group discussions, role play, interacting with mentors, resolving conflicts, problem solving and team challenges. Participants and young people often comment that working together and bonding as a team is one of the most profound and beneficial aspects of their experience with us.




The Game Change Project
The Game Change Project