The Game Change Project

Safer Recruitment Policy Statement

The Game Change Project is committed to safeguarding and protecting all children and young people by implementing robust safer recruitment practices: We will do this by:

  • identifying and rejecting applicants who are unsuitable to work with children and young people
  • responding to concerns about the suitability of applicants during the recruitment process
  • responding to concerns about the suitability of employees and volunteers once they have begun their role
  • ensuring all new staff and volunteers participate in an induction which includes child protection, safeguarding and code of conduct

Supporting procedures that accompany the policy are included in our staff and volunteer handbooks, safeguarding policy and procedures, equality and diversity policy, complaints and grievance policy and whistle blowing policy


The Game Change Project Whistleblowing Policy

The purpose of this policy is to prevent malpractice by the organisation, its employees, agents and partners by advising staff how to raise concerns with the organisation’s management or, if necessary, with its auditors or sponsoring department.


Safeguarding Policy

The Game Change Project CIC Safeguarding Policy


Data Protection Policy

The Game Change Project is committed to a policy of protecting the rights and privacy of individuals, volunteers, staff and service users in accordance with The Data Protection Act 2018. The policy applies to all participants, sponsors, volunteers, board members and staff.


Volunteer Policy

Volunteer Policy - This volunteer policy sets out the principles and practice by which we involve volunteers and is relevant to staff, volunteers and trustees within the organisation...


Welsh Language Policy

The Game Change Project has adopted the principle that in the conduct of its business in Wales it will treat the English and Welsh languages on the basis of equality...



THE GAME CHANGE PROJECT recognises that, statistically, a number of employees/ volunteers may be experiencing domestic abuse in their personal relationships and, through this policy, seeks to provide effective, confidential and sympathetic support to these employees...


Safer Recruitment Policy Statement

The Game Change Project is committed to safeguarding and protecting all children and young people by implementing robust safer recruitment practices: We will do this by...


Online safety and social media policy

This policy provides guidance on how our organisation uses the internet and social media, and the procedures for doing so...


The Game Change Project Equality & Diversity Policy

The Game Change Project Equality & Diversity Policy - The Management committee of The Game Change Project is committed to equality and diversity.   The project is open to all regardless of age, colour, disability, ethnic origin, sex, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership...


The Game Change Project Environmental Policy Statement

The Game Change Project is committed to minimising the impact of its activities on the environment...


Complaints and Grievance Policy

The Game Change Project recognises that volunteers have the right to raise grievances about any matter related to their volunteering (this could be in relation to another volunteer, a member of the paid staff, or the manner in which they are being treated by the Game Change Project. In addition, any other person is entitled to make a complaint about the organisation.


The Game Change Project
The Game Change Project